Music database
Title information
Koit - Dawn. Symphonic Poem
Heino Eller

Dawn. Symphonic Poem
Date of recording
25.3.2019, Tallinn
Audio sample
Album information
Heino Eller: Symphonic Poems. Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Olari Elts
Heino Eller

Year of production
Record Label
- Heino Eller
Night Calls. Symphonic Poem - 1. Night Calls (Öö hüüded)
- Heino Eller
White NIght. Symphonic Suite - 2. 1. White Night (Valge öö = Nuit blanche)
- 3. 2. In Dance Rhythm (Tantsurütmis = Dans un rythme de danse)
- 4. 3. Reminiscences (Meenutused = Réminiscences)
- 5. 4. Camp Fire (Lökketuli = Feu de camp)
- 6. 5. Fisherman's Song (Kalurilaul = La chanson du pêcheur)
- 7. 6. In March Rhythm (Marsirütmis = Dans un rythme de marche)
- 8. 7. White Night (Valge öö = Nuit blanche)
- Heino Eller
Twilight. Symphonic Poem - 9. Twilight (Videvik)
- Heino Eller
Dawn. Symphonic Poem - 10. Dawn (Koit)